Planet 13 FIGHT CLUB to Launch at the Planet 13 Entertainment Complex, Featuring Exclusive Meet & Greets and … – StockTitan

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Planet 13 Holdings announced the launch of Planet 13 FIGHT CLUB and the first Planet 13 FIGHT WEEK, from June 26 to June 29, 2024, coinciding with UFC International Fight Week. The event will feature meet and greets with MMA stars and culminate in a UFC 303 Watch Party at DAZED! Consumption Lounge. The FIGHT CLUB will introduce apparel and MMA gear under the new Planet 13 Lifestyle brand, available for purchase on their e-commerce site launching during Fight Week. Notable MMA fighters and celebrities, including Mike Tyson, will participate.


Launch of Planet 13 FIGHT CLUB introduces new revenue stream with branded apparel and MMA gear. E-commerce site launch during FIGHT WEEK can boost online sales. High-profile events and celebrity appearances can enhance brand visibility and attract more customers. Hosting UFC 303 Watch Party and meet-and-greet events can drive foot traffic to the Planet 13 Entertainment Complex.


Significant marketing and event costs without guaranteed return on investment. Potential for low turnout or sales, affecting the overall success of the event and new product line. Dependence on

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