‘Most Florida Marijuana Is Illegal’ Mom Cautions Against Dangers Of Unregulated Weed In New Cannabis Legalization … – Benzinga


The campaign advocating for Florida’s Amendment 3, which seeks to legalize marijuana, launched a new ad this week highlighting the risks associated with unregulated cannabis on the black market.

The ad hit heavy on the fact that much of Florida’s marijuana is illegally produced and could therefore be contaminated with harmful substances like fentanyl.

Smart and Safe Florida, the group behind Florida’s ballot measure to legalize marijuana sponsored the ad. On April 1, the Florida Supreme Court approved the recreational marijuana constitutional amendment for which voters will decide in the November 2024 election.

The 30-second spot, titled “Fact,” features a Florida mom and voter who advocates for the right of adults to consume safe, tested marijuana. Smart & Safe Florida says the ad will be broadcast widely across various media platforms.

The ad points out that while most Americans can access regulated and safe marijuana, Floridians are left without such assurances.

“Most Florida marijuana is illegal, produced by criminals and can be laced with dangerous drugs like fentanyl. Amendment 3 gives adults access to legal, safe marijuana and the freedom to make their own choices while generating billions for schools and police,” says the woman.

In mid-May another series of four ads hit the airwaves.

Meanwhile, Smart & Safe

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