Mansfield City Council delays cannabis dispensary vote due to missing members – Richland Source

MANSFIELD — The build-up was perfect Tuesday night for the vote on a proposed six-month moratorium on any potential recreational marijuana dispensaries in Mansfield.

— There was a lengthy safety committee meeting, during which a representative from The Cannabist Co. said such a facility could add $4.3 million in revenue to city coffers over the next 10 years.

— There was public participation, with speakers both for and against the moratorium.

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— There were questions from local lawmakers, an endorsement regarding the potential revenue from Finance Director Kelly Blankenship and concerns raised by police Chief Jason Bammann.

The stage was set — for a vote that never came.

Citing the absence of At-large Councilwoman Stephanie Zader and council President Phil Scott, both on vacation, local lawmakers voted to delay the vote until its next meeting on June 18.

Zader is the only member of council who has spoken during public session in favor of the economic benefits of a dispensary in Mansfield.

5th Ward Councilman Aurelio Diaz speaks during Tuesday evening’s meeting. Credit: Carl Hunnell

5th Ward Councilman Aurelio Diaz suggested delaying a the vote on the topic, which was introduced by Mayor

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