It’s time to vote: Mansfield City Council to decide on cannabis dispensaries Tuesday – Richland Source

MANSFIELD — It will be one of the most interesting decisions Mansfield City Council has made in recent years.

Local lawmakers are scheduled to vote Tuesday on a six-month moratorium on any potential marijuana dispensaries in the city, an idea council has discussed in sessions a few times since Mayor Jodie Perry suggested it more than a month ago.

It’s the type of decision that brings back memories of:

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— March 2017 when council voted 7-1 to reject a bill that would have allowed citizens to keep backyard chickens on city property under three acres.

— November 2017 when council voted 6-1 to ban the sale of medical marijuana in the city.

— July 2019 when council opposition basically killed a planned skatepark at Maple Lake Park, causing the proposal to be pulled.

— August 2020 when a divided council voted 5-4 against a resolution that would have declared racism a public health crisis.

The vote planned Tuesday has that kind of gravitas feel to it among local lawmakers, who tend to vote together on the vast majority of issues.

City Council’s Safety Committee, chaired by 2nd Ward Councilwoman Cheryl Meier, is scheduled

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