FL Marijuana Cards

Get a Florida Medical Marijuana Card Today

If you are seeking an alternative and natural option to managing your health, medical marijuana may be a good option and the process to get a MedCard is fairly easy. This guide will walk you through the steps needed to Get a Florida Medical Marijuana Card Today.

Getting a medical marijuana card in Florida involves three easy steps.

Step 1: Consult a certified physician for medical cannabis recommendations. Locate a certified physician in your vicinity by clicking the banner below or searching on our marijuana doctor map.

Step 2: If the physician declares you eligible, your information will be entered into Florida’s Medical Marijuana Registry. You’ll be assigned an ID number necessary for the application of a Registry ID card.

Step 3: Complete an online application to acquire your Florida Medical Marijuana Registry ID card. A fee of $75 is applicable, and the card remains valid for one year.

Once completed, you can purchase medical marijuana products from any licensed dispensary in the state of Florida almost immediately.

You will be required to have regular check-ins with your doctor every 210 days to remain eligible and keep your medical marijuana card valid.

Get Certified Now

If you’re ready, we make it easy to connect with a medical marijuana doctor to get or renew your Florida Medical Marijuana CardSimply fill out the MMJ patient registration form, then press submit. A doctors office representative will contact you to review and schedule an appointment. Legal full or part time residents only

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Who is Eligible for a Florida Medical Marijuana Card?

To qualify as a Medical Marijuana patient in Florida, you need to:

  • Be at least 18 years of age or older
  • Demonstrate permanent or seasonal residency in Florida.
  • Receive a diagnosis of a qualifying health condition from a certified physician.
  • Have your information entered into the Medical Marijuana Use Registry.
  • Acquire a Medical Marijuana Use Registry Identification Card

Approved Medical Conditions for a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida:

Medical conditions falling within the same category or comparable to those listed below as determined by your Doctor.

Florida Medical Marijuana Caregiver Status

If you’re not the designated medical marijuana patient but are responsible for their care, you have the option to apply for a Medical Marijuana Caregiver ID Card on their behalf. This card gives you the ability to order, purchase, and transport medical marijuana for the patient. However, only the actual patient can use the medical marijuana.

Medical marijuana caregivers in Florida must be at least 21 or older and are required to undergo a caregiver certification course every two years. Also, if you are not a close relative of the patient, then you’ll be required to undergo a background screening as a prerequisite to becoming a caregiver.

Medical Marijuana

Minors and Medical Marijuana in Florida

There are no specified age limits when it comes to minors with qualifying medical conditions. Minors are required to be diagnosed by two physicians and must obtain “voluntary, written, informed consent from the patient or their legal guardian,” as stipulated by the OMMU.

It should be noted that for minor patients under 18, smoking cannabis is generally not permitted unless a diagnosis of a terminal condition has been established.

Total Fees for Getting a Florida Medical Marijuana Card

The total fees for obtaining and renewing a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida include an initial registration cost of $75. Annual renewals, required within 45 days of card expiration, incur an additional fee of $75. These charges are separate from any potential fees associated with a physician’s office visit and the cost of purchasing medical marijuana products from a dispensary. It’s important to note that Medicare does not cover medical marijuana due to its federal illegality.

Amount of Allowable Medical Marijuana

The quantity of medical marijuana that you can purchase as a patient in Florida is determined by your physician and is based on your specific medical condition. Each transaction at a medical marijuana dispensary is tracked against the total allowance established by your physician to ensure that you do not over-purchase.

In accordance with Florida Statute 381.986, a qualified physician is restricted from issuing a physician certification for more than three 70-day supply limits of marijuana or more than six 35-day supply limits of marijuana for smoking. Also, the supply limit for smokable marijuana within a 35-day period must not exceed 2.5 ounces.

Other forms of marijuana are subject to their own specific limits, as outlined in the state’s regulations under 64ER22-8 2023 Dosing and Supply Limits for Medical Marijuana.


  • Daily dose: 60mg THC
  • 70-day supply limit: 4,200mg THC

Inhalation (e.g., vapes):

  • Daily dose: 350mg THC
  • 70-day supply limit: 24,500mg THC

Oral (e.g., capsules, tinctures):

  • Daily dose: 200mg THC
  • 70-day supply limit: 14,000mg THC

Sublingual (e.g., sublingual tinctures):

  • Daily dose: 190mg THC
  • 70-day supply limit: 13,300mg THC


  • Daily dose: 195mg THC
  • 70-day supply limit: 13,650mg THC

Topical (e.g., creams):

  • Daily dose: 150mg THC
  • 70-day supply limit: 10,500mg THC

Marijuana in a form for smoking:

  • Daily dose: 2.025 grams
  • Possession limit: 4 ounces of smokable marijuana

Physician Exceptions:

  • A qualified physician may request an exception to the daily dose limit, the 35-day supply limit for smoking, and the 4-ounce possession limit of smokable marijuana if warranted for your specific medical condition.

What are the Pros and Cons of Having a Florida Medical Marijuana Card?

Many patients feel that they do not have a choice when it comes to the use of medical marijuana. In many situations, the use of marijuana is the only thing that helps their pain, alleviates chemo side effects, relieves anxiety, and more. However, as with making any medical decisions, you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons to determine if enrolling in Florida’s medical marijuana program and obtaining a medical marijuana card is the right choice for your needs.

Pros of Having a Florida Medical Marijuana Card:

  • Legal Access to Medical Marijuana: The primary advantage is with a medical marijuana card you will have legal access to medical marijuana. In the state of Florida, you can legally obtain and use cannabis products to manage your medical condition. Plus you can purchase the products from a safe, state-licensed cannabis dispensary which gives you peace of mind.
  • Wider Product Selection: With a Florida medical marijuana card, you’ll have access to a wide array of cannabis products and state-licensed dispensaries, providing more treatment options at affordable prices.
  • Higher Purchase Limits: Medical cardholders often have higher purchase limits than recreational users (once available), allowing for an ample supply of medical marijuana products.
  • Cost Savings: The cost of medical marijuana products at a state-licensed dispensary is lower, making it more financially feasible for cardholders.
  • Legal Protections: Having a medical marijuana card can provide legal protection, allowing you to possess and use marijuana within the State of Florida.

Cons of Having a Florida Medical Marijuana Card:

  • Privacy Concerns: Registering for a medical marijuana card requires sharing personal information, which may raise privacy concerns.
  • Federal Employment Issues: Despite state legality, marijuana remains illegal at the federal level. This can pose employment challenges, especially for those working in federally regulated industries.
  • Costs and Renewal Fees: Obtaining and renewing a medical marijuana card involves ongoing fees, which can be a financial burden for many.
  • Stigma: There may be a lingering social stigma associated with having a medical marijuana card, which could impact personal and professional relationships.
  • Limitations on Possession and Cultivation: While a medical card allows legal possession, there are still limitations on the amount you can possess. Plus, Florida does not allow you to cultivate marijuana plants for your own use.

The decision to obtain a Florida medical marijuana card depends on your unique health needs, preferences, and the consideration of both the pros and cons outlined above.

Luckily, obtaining a medical marijuana card in the state of Florida has never been easier or more affordable. You can opt to see a physician in person or online if you are renewing. Once you obtain your go-head from the state and the physician, you can start purchasing your medical marijuana from one of the 600+ state-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in the state – you can even have the medical marijuana delivered directly to your home. Plus, many dispensaries offer discounts and loyalty programs to help you save even more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Florida Medical Marijuana

Can I use my out-of-state medical marijuana card in Florida?

No, you cannot use an out-of-state medical marijuana card in the state of Florida. Possession of marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 substance under both state and federal law. It remains illegal for anyone other than a resident or temporary resident possessing a valid Florida medical marijuana ID card to use or possess in the state. A petition to support reciprocity with other states can be found here.

Must I visit a medical marijuana dispensary for CBD product purchases?

If the CBD product falls within the category of a low-THC item derived from hemp, containing less than 0.35mg THC per serving or 2mg of total THC per package, it can be purchased at any licensed retail or convenience store in Florida such as a vape store, smoke shop, health food retailer, or other retail location. However, CBD products with elevated THC levels or those derived from marijuana instead of hemp must be purchased through a licensed marijuana dispensary.

Is recreational marijuana permitted in Florida?

No, recreational marijuana is not currently legal in Florida. However, there is a proposed recreational marijuana amendment scheduled for the 2024 ballot.

Is it possible to visit any dispensary in Florida with a medical card?

Yes, you can visit any state-licensed medical marijuana dispensary in the state of Florida if you have a medical marijuana card. When making a purchase, the dispensary staff will record your transaction with the Florida state registry, and this will be deducted from your allowable limit.

What documentation is required for obtaining a medical card in Florida?

To qualify for a medical card in Florida, eligible patients are required to provide proof of residency in the state. You will need to present one of the following documents along with a photo ID:

  • Copy of a house deed or lease agreement
  • Utility bill (issued within the last two months)
  • State ID or driver’s license
  • Passport

Furthermore, Senate Bill 8A expands eligibility to seasonal residents, defined as individuals who temporarily reside in Florida for at least 31 consecutive days each calendar year. Seasonal residents must maintain a temporary residence in Florida, return to their state or jurisdiction of residence at least once annually, and either be registered to vote or pay income tax in another state or jurisdiction.

Do I have to wait for my Florida medical marijuana card to arrive before I can purchase it from a dispensary?

No, once you are activated in the Florida state system the state will send you an email notification. Once you’ve received the email, you can purchase marijuana in Florida at any state-licensed dispensary. Avoid waiting for the physical card, which may take an additional 2-3 weeks to arrive by mail. Instead, either print out the email or download it onto your phone for immediate use.

Can I have medical marijuana delivered in Florida if I have a medical marijuana card?

Yes! You can legally have medical marijuana delivered to your home under the provisions of HB 1397, signed into law in 2017. Many dispensaries offer local delivery services.

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