Brew Review – Southbound Hiker by Persimmon Hollow

I don’t know if I can hike.

It’s not so much the distance that bothers me, it’s the uneven terrain and the intentional lack of facilities or civilization or air conditioning that gets me.

Really, it’s the uneven terrain. I have difficulty walking on standard flat flooring sometimes, and having to walk on and around tree stumps and branches and hidden holes and all sorts of bugs and other nasty critters, it’s just not my style.

Other people like it. I’ve had bosses that adore hiking, and I say more power to them.

Apparently Persimmon Hollow loves hiking as well, since they have released a beer devoted to this particular hobby and even name dropped Springer Mountain, an 8.6 mile hike in Georgia, on the can of their Southbound Hiker (New England IPA, 6.5% ABV, 40 IBU).

Silly me, I figured it would be a hike somewhere in New England if they were going to make the beer a New England IPA.

Regardless, I may not like the activity, but I can certainly appreciate the beer inspired by

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